Up-cycle that great pair of jeans that never fit right. I have a stack of jeans that I can’t bear to throw away. Most of them shrank the first time I washed them (including that $200 organic pair…) The others are from my larger days. Here is a great stylish way to wear them again.

Old jeans
Matching thread (match the existing topstitch or the jean color)
Sewing machine
Seam ripper
Cut leg at ½ the inseam or higher (depending on length you want the skirt). Remember to leave at least 1 ¼” for hem. Also keep in mind too small pants will sit higher on the waist than the pants did.
Carefully open inseam. Open rise (crotch seam) ½ way up in back and to 1” below zipper in front.
Open inseam of cut off piece also.
Lay open overlap rise and pin cut off piece between legs, one in front and one in back.
Try skirt on to be sure you can sit and walk. Move legs farther apart if you can not.
Stitch in place.
Turn up and up and secure hem.
Open inseam of cut off piece also.
Lay open overlap rise and pin cut off piece between legs, one in front and one in back.
Try skirt on to be sure you can sit and walk. Move legs farther apart if you can not.
Stitch in place.
Turn up and up and secure hem.
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