Thursday, May 27, 2010

reusing old t-shirts

This week we cut up old t-shirts and wove them into scarves. The project took much longer than the allotted hour. The children took home their cardboard looms to finish.

It turned out to be another project better suited for the older kids. I also didn't have sharp enough scissors to cut fabric. So they all got frustrated cutting strips. At one point half my class was running around the room with t-shirt streamers behind them.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

vinegar bottle bird house

I was vinegar bottles to make a raft. But when the project I had planned turned out to need 72 hours to cure, I quickly changed to this one.

It was easy to cobble together from items I had around the house. A plastic bottle, stiff wire, used disposable chopstick, an exacto blade and various sharpies. The kids had a lot of fun making them and the individual style shown through. Some took 15 minutes to complete and some weren't done at the end of the hour long class.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

fish printing

The first time I did this project with children was for my son's 3rd birthday. We had 3 children over and I was so amazed at how different each turned out. There is real expression involved.

It is the easiest project. And kids these days never get to play with dead things so there was the inevitable fish fight.

All you need is a dead fish, fabric paint and a blank T-shirt. Though it turned out to be the most expensive of my eco class projects so far. The fabric paint is so pricey and the kids love squirting most of the bottle on. (In one of the pictures below the fish has about $5 worth of paint on it - deep breath)

I usually get a few small frozen tilapia because they are only a couple dollars each. But there seemed to be a shortage. I went to several stores and struck out. So I bought a milk fish (that unfortunately had already had it's scales removed) and some salmon heads. My last stop, at an Asian grocery that I had never been to before, had bags of small frozen river fish.

The fish heads were the most interesting (and the kids had the most fun with them also - putting "make-up" on them and such) One ended up looking like a nuclear hazard sign and another like a butterfly.

I love seeing how they differ. And one boy even wore his t-shirt to school the next day.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

mother's day gifts

This week we made little lockets for mother's day. It was a perfect project for 3rd grade and above. The Kindergarten and 1st graders had some trouble with it. I think it was a little too detailed for them.
We also made some envelopes from an old catalogue, the idea was to seal them in before the mom's came to pick up. Unfortunately we ran over time and all the mom's heard lots of yelling "don't look!" when they came to pick up.
I hope they like them.