A great way to give new life to old clothes or keep that adorable out grown outfit

Tank top (woven or stiffer fabric works best)
6” x 20” piece of stiff canvas
Sewing machine
2 – 8” to 10” sticks or pieces of bamboo (my neighbors grow bamboo along our property line. I just clip any sticking under the fence or out of the foundation…)
Cut tank at shoulder seam
Fold over edges to leave 1” loop and stitch down
Cut base of tank at each side seam 2 ½” horizontally and 3” vertically
Using ½” seam allowance, sew together hem of tank
Open up corners and sew horizontal cut to vertical cut
Be sure to backstitch for strength

Turn right side out
Place canvas over inside bottom and stitch down to reinforce
Place sticks in each loop for handles
Now you are ready to carry or embellish